03 9077 1572 / 0425 181 155
Physical Health Acupuncture
Myo-muscular therapy
About Physical Health
Physical Health meaning is the state of being free from illness or injury. It can cover a wide range of areas including a healthy diet, healthy weight, personal hygiene and sleep. Physical health is vital for overall well-being.
Our Clinic aim is every client keep healthy and increase quality of life after our treatment.
We always thinking what cause leads to make major condition and try to check whether this cause is related our routine life or not. After detecting real causes, we do our best to minimize the root of problems
What is Acupuncture/Myotherapy /Cupping/Remedial&Deep tissue massage?
Cupping Therapy
Acupuncture is one of part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for 4 000 years history.
According to the TCM philosophy, Acupuncture can harmonize Yin & Yang and Qi and Blood system to restore balance and encourage system in our body by insert needles on acupuncture points or energy lines,
Myotherapy is one of branch of Physical therapy focused on the treatment and rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal conditions, Myotherapy is based on the research of the neuro-physiological basis of myofascial pain and dysfunction, and has evolved to include the assessment techniques and treatment modalities. There are several methods such as Dry needling, Cupping, Soft/Deep tissues massage, TENS and corrective exercise
Cupping therapy is one of methods both TCM and Myotherapy. By use fire or air, cups is able to sucking on local skin, it can be manage our body blood and energy flow system.
Cupping can increase blood circulation to the local and related muscle groups this may decrease the tension of muscles caused by improving blood flow and local tissues repair
Remedial Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Corrective exercise with Advanced Stretching
Remedial massage is the systematic assessment and treatment of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues of the body to assist in rehabilitation, pain and injury management. It’s performed to create favourable conditions for the body to return to normal health after injury and is defined by the premise that the treatment can reasonably reverse certain physical effects a patient may be presenting.
Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronic aches and pains and contracted areas such as stiff neck and upper back, low back pain, sore shoulders.
Corrective exercise is meant to remedy the cumulative results of stresses placed on the body, helping to restore and maintain posture, balance, mobility, and stability, which allows the body to move freely and without pain
Our Services
Chinese Medicine Consultation (include Acupuncture service)
Electro-Acupuncture / TENS
Cupping therapy
Gua Sha therapy
Myo-Muscular therapy service
Dry needling(Myo-fascial Dry Needling)
Myo-fascial Release
Myo-Trigger points therapy
MET(Muscle Energy Technique) with Myotherapy
Corrective exercise
Joint Mobilisation with advanced stretching
Remedial Massage service
Relaxation Massage
Soft&Deep tissue massage
Lymphatic Drainage
Massage for athlete
Consultation sessions
History taking / Examination / Approaching cause of complaints / Diagnosis / Treatment plan / treatment
75 mins Consultation
<<Design Treatment Plan&
First Treatment>>
Feedback / simple examination / Treatment or Amend treatment
Standard consultation
for 45min-60min
<<treatment stage>>
Maintenance program:
General check up & manage self home care (include Dynamic or general stretching / corrective exercise
Maintenance consultation
for 30 mins or 75 mins
<<Post treatment stage>>
About Practitioner
Monday : 9:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday : 9:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday : 9:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday : 9:45am - 5:45pm
Friday : 9:30am - 2pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 4pm
Sunday: Closed
**Closed Public holiday
Contact Us
Suite 2 /976 Riversdale Rd
Surrey Hills, 3127
03 9077 1572 / 0425 181 155